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Payment - Dr Parkinson

You are here:  Home   Pay Account   Dr Ben Parkinson

Payment is required prior to any surgery. Once surgery is completed a Tax Invoice/Receipt will be issued for you to take to Medicare to claim the Medicare Schedule rebate and, if insured, your private Health Fund.

Internet/EFT Bank Deposit (preferred)

Account Name: Parkinson Orthopaedics
Bank: Westpac Bank   BSB: 034-664   Account Number: 495320

Please email or fax confirmation of payment including your name and date of transfer to: or by fax on 07 4040 6281


  1. Payable in rooms at 225-227 Draper St, Cairns, Qld, 4870. Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
  2. Phone with credit card details to 07 4040 6280
  3. Complete the remittance slip on the bottom of the and notify the secretary by email, fax or post.


Made payable to Dr Ben Parkinson and paid in rooms or posted to Dr Parkinson.

Cash or EFTPOS

Payable in rooms at 225-227 Draper St, Cairns, Qld, 4870. Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Please do not send cash by post.