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Payment - Dr Morrey

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If you have no Private Health Cover

Payment is required prior to any surgery. Once surgery is completed a Tax Invoice/Receipt will be issued for you to take to Medicare to claim the Medicare Schedule rebate.

If you have Private Health Cover

We require payment of your account in full within 14 days of receipt of invoice. We will then promptly supply you with a receipt for claiming of your Medicare and Health Fund rebates.

Payment can be made in either of the following ways:

Direct Deposit/EFT (Preferred Option)

Account Name: Morrey Orthopaedics Pty Ltd
Bank: National Australia Bank
BSB Number: 084-472
Account Number: 49567 1921
Reference: Name and Invoice Number

Please email or fax confirmation of payment including your name and date of transfer to: or by fax on 07 4040 6291


Payable during office hours Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm, or by phone with credit card details (07) 4040 6290.


Made payable to Morrey Orthopaedics Pty Ltd.

EFTPOS or Cash

Payable at 225-227 Draper Street, Cairns during office hours. Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm.