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Payment - Dr Pozzi

You are here:  Home   Pay Account   Dr Robert Pozzi

Please note the assistant at your operation is to be paid separately.

Internet/EFT Bank Deposit (preferred)

Please note two separate deposits are required (Dr Pozzi & Surgical Assistant). Quote Invoice Number on each deposit and forward confirmation of payment, date paid, total amount paid, patient name, invoice number to Fax: 07 4040 6221 or by email to

Account Name: Robert Pozzi Medical Pty Ltd
Bank: National Australia Bank
BSB: 084-472
Account Number: 678 528 271

Account Name: Mark Lum
Bank: Suncorp
BSB: 484-799
Account Number: 049 386 211

Account Name: Pozzi Medical Assistants
Bank: National Australia Bank
BSB: 084-472
Account Number: 579 614 043

Visa or Mastercard

  1. Payable in rooms at 225-227 Draper St, Cairns. Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
  2. Phone with credit card details to 07 4040 6222
  3. Complete the remittance slip on the bottom of the and notify the secretary by email, fax or post.

Cheque (x2)

Cheque 1 - Payable to Dr R Pozzi
Cheque 2 - Either payable to Pozzi Medical Assistants or *Dr Lum (*only if listed on invoice).
Post with a copy of invoice or invoice number noted on reverse of cheque.

Cash or EFTPOS

Payable in rooms at 225-227 Draper St, Cairns. Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Please do not send cash by post.